
To make an online gift, tribute, or memorial, please follow the links below.

Donate~ Sponsor~ Buy One/Give One

There are THREE different ways to contribute to the Foster Friends Mission:

Donate! Every tax deductible donation will go toward gifting a child with a teddy bear and backpack of their very own.

Sponsor A Friend: By committing $30.00 each month it is guaranteed that a child will receive their very own teddy bear and backpack.

Buy One/Give One: Tired of gifting generic gift cards or something purchased at a big box store with no real meaning? Looking for a very special gift for a very special someone? Look no further! By purchasing one teddy bear for $30.00 USD plus shipping, for yourself; we will gift a teddy bear and backpack to a child. Order your bear here:

(Order Form and purchase link coming soon-send a message through our Contact page in the meantime.)

*TFFP is in the process of obtaining its 501(c)(3) status (5/2023)*